The Importance of Regular Septic System Maintenance for Your Lakeside Cottage

septic tank

If you own a lakeside cottage, it is a great escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. In order to protect your city escape, there are many tasks you do to maintain it and preserve the property and your investment. In order to keep your tranquil property actually peaceful, it’s important to not neglect your septic tank system. 

It goes without saying that your septic system is an integral part of keeping your lakeside cabin running smoothly, but many homeowners don’t have enough knowledge about the regular maintenance requirements. 

Why Is Regular Septic Tank Care Important For Lakeside Cottages?

Septic systems can often be forgotten about, which can lead to a variety of issues down the road. A failing septic system poses a serious risk to not only your cottage but also to the environment around it. Your septic system could potentially contaminate the surrounding bodies of water and cause health risks to the human and animal life around. 

Some telltale signs of a failing septic system can include: 

  • Bad or foul-smelling odours 
  • Water and sewage from toilets, drains and sinks backing up
  • Bathtubs, sinks, showers draining very slowly 
  • Gurgling sounds throughout the plumbing system
  • Standing water or “damp” spots near the septic tank system or drainfield 
  • Bright green, lush grass over the septic tank or drainfield even during dry weather

If you’re noticing any of the above symptoms, it’s important to act quickly. Contacting a full-service, licenced septic tank specialist is the best option to diagnose, treat and repair any septic tank issues. 

Proper Care For Lakeside Cottage Septic Tank Systems 

In order to prevent clogging and other septic tank issues, a septic tank should be pumped every two to three years by a certified septic tank specialist according to the Ontario Association for Sewage Industry Services

Additionally, you should conduct a septic tank inspection every two to five years. Both of these septic tank maintenance tasks are also dependent on the usage and size of your septic tank. Since the septic tank pumping process removes built-up sludge and scum layers, if it is left unattended for an extended period of time, it can damage the drainfield or overflow. 

How often you need to pump can be influenced by: 

  1. The size of your septic tank
  2. How many people reside in your lakeside cabin at a time 
  3. The amount of waste water generated 
  4. If there is a garbage disposal present (the increased solids will require more pumping) 

Regulated maintenance has many benefits for both your septic system and your finances. Creating and implementing a septic system maintenance program will help prolong the life of your system, minimize any significant issues and proactively treat problems before they become costly, time-consuming repairs or replacements. 

Tips For Proper Usage And Septic Tank Care

In combination with regular pumping and inspections, how you use your septic system on a daily basis matters just as much. Proper care and usage of your septic system can impact its lifespan and function greatly.

Some of these tips include: 

Not everything is “Flushable”

It’s absolutely crucial not to flush anything down that is not human waste or toilet paper. Flushing other items can cause expensive clogs and affect other parts of the system. 

Do not flush the following items: 

  • Cooking grease or oil
  • Any kind of “flushable” or non-flushable wipes (even if they say they are flushable, it’s best to simply throw them away in a trash can)
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Paper towels
  • Condoms
  • Dental floss
  • Diapers
  • Cigarette butts
  • Pharmaceuticals

Think at the sink

Your septic system contains a collection of living organisms that digest and treat household waste. If you were to pour chemicals or even cooking oil down the drain, it can harm and kill these organisms, which will throw off your septic system. No matter if you are at the kitchen sink, bathroom sink or utility sink, consider the following before pouring anything down the drain: 

  • Avoid chemical drain cleaners for clogged drains. Instead, try using boiling water or a drain snake as an alternative
  • Never pour cooking oil or grease down the drain
  • Never pour oil-based paints, solvents or large amounts of cleaning chemicals down the drain 
  • Limit the amount of times you use your garbage disposal, this will significantly reduce the amount of fats, grease and solids that enter your septic tank 

The Canadian Sanitation Solution

When it comes to the well-being of your septic tank and system, there are many service companies that can treat part of your septic system. But there is only one full-service septic tank company capable of providing all your septic tank needs and that’s Canadian Sanitation

We are committed to keeping your lakeside cottage septic system running as efficiently and optimally as possible. Our team of licenced professionals deliver high-quality, professional service while also helping ensure you understand your system better. 

Contact Canadian Sanitation today, and let us take care of your septic system, so you can focus on creating those unforgettable memories by the lake.